Y. Solomin


The purpose of the research is to identify systemic threats to information security, ways of spreading Russian propaganda narratives, with inclusions, disinformation, manipulation, interference in the media environment, and ways to minimize the destructive impact on various technological platforms.

Research methodology. To study the problems of interventions, systematic propaganda campaigns, the method of selection and classification of data, their processing and analysis was applied, which made it possible to reveal the current and long-term goals of the manipulation technologies involved.

The results. The promotion of the narratives of the "Russian world" in Ukraine took place by means of hybrid war and loss of territories, systematic interference in the information field and its imbalance. For Russian propaganda, the national television and radio space has been closed since the beginning of the war, instead, Telegram channels, various sites and Messengers have become the main platforms for disinformation, fakes, interventions and actually conducting information terrorism. The international nature of Russia’s use of a whole range of means and instruments of destabilization and intervention was recognized by the European Parliament and limited or banned their main technological resources. Instead, due to the loss of opportunities to promote disinformation on their own platforms, propagandists use workarounds.

Novelty. The components of informational and propaganda challenges of hybrid aggression and ongoing war in the media environment and cyberspace are universalized.

Practical meaning. The results of the research can be used during the study of journalism, political science, and history disciplines. The methodological base can be useful for further scientific investigations and research in the field of strategic communications and information security.

Key words: propaganda, disinformation, racism, telespace, digital resources, information space, hybrid war.


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