The purpose of the study is to determine the specific algorithms for the verbal and visual content formation of news telegram channels, as well as the vectors of their transformations under the conditions of martial law, using the example of professional journalistic resources.
The research methodology. At the empirical stage of the study, the method of monitoring is applied to determine the formation features of the news telegrams-channels content during 2022–2023. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and interpretation of data are used to systematize the obtained results. The elements of typological and classification methods help to differentiate approaches to shape the content of news telegram channels.
The results. The article highlights that during the full-scale Russian invasion, both the information priorities of the audience and the standards of journalistic activity, in particular, those related to the dissemination of news on the Internet, have changed. The place of the Telegram messenger is clarified among other news sources for the mass audience. The article characterises the leading strategies used by journalists for forming news content of public Telegram channels that are cross-media platforms: «Ukrainska pravda», «Suspilne Novyny» and «Radio Svoboda». The paper provides recommendations on ways to improve the quality of the content of news telegram channels.
The novelty of the obtained research results is in the attempt to determine the current trends in the content formation of news telegram channels of professional journalists and to formulate recommendations for improving the quality of these resources’ content.
Practical value. The obtained results can activate the further development of Telegram channels as a type of cross-media resources and be useful by practicing journalists who master new platforms in professional activity.
Key words: telegram channel, cross-media, news, content, messenger, cross-media platform, martial law.
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