H. Khristokin, I. Zaitseva


The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of journalistic investigations in the Ukrainian massmedia in wartime conditions.

Research methodology. To study the theoretical material, the method of monitoring and critical review, systematization and statistical method of studying the material was used; the traditional method of analysis and comparison, problematization and assessment, the method of deduction and synthesis of successful opinions and experiences was used to interpret and interpret the content of the research.

The results. The article analyzes the specifics of journalistic investigation in Ukraine: features, methodology, and modern development trends. It was determined that investigative journalism reflects the realities of modern life, focuses on the problems of society, which is especially relevant in the conditions of war, because the opposition at the time takes place not only at the front, but also in the political, economic, cultural and media spheres. The peculiarities of conducting journalistic investigations in the Ukrainian mass media in the conditions of a large-scale war and their significance for society have been investigated.

Novelty. It was determined that the importance of journalistic investigations during the war increases, because investigative journalists contribute to the disclosure of war crimes and the prosecution of war criminals, and also exercise the necessary control over the actions of the authorities on the part of the public, which encourages it to be more responsible, helps to reduce the level of corruption and making necessary decisions for the country, bringing victory closer.

Practical meaning. The results of the research can be used in practical media activities and in the process of studying professionally oriented courses in the specialty «Journalism».

Key words: journalistic investigation, investigative journalist, project of anti-corruption investigations, investigative content.


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