The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of communication strategies and election technologies in all presidential elections in Ukraine in 1991–2019 as a systemic, holistic, dynamic political process and to analyze in detail their features and the transformations they underwent under the influence of the socio-political, economic, and socio-cultural situation in the country.
Research methodology is based on comparative-historical, retrospective, situational and analytical methods that made it possible to highlight the problem under analysis as well as the originality of the material under the study.
Results the paper focuses on each of the stages of the President elections and the evolution of the communicative strategies and election technologies used in them – from the first stage where the promoter of the nomenlklature L. Kuchma and the leader of national-patriotic forces V. Chornovol were in opposition. At that time the use of the means of agitprop and administration resource was customary. The same use of agitation and propaganda means characterized the early election of 90-s at which a new political force was put forward. It was the Ukrainian union of entrepreneurs and industrialists led by L. Kuchma.
TV communication and PR-technologies together with «printed word» editions were used further. And already the election of 2004 knew the brutal use of manipulative technologies and the work of the press dependent on oligarchs. The last election company in which a politician and an actor were in opposition became the final approval of the «pageant policy». With the help of the traditional communication (TV and cinema) and the use of digital communication the applicants transferred to virtual area. The victory won the one who felt himself more comfortably in it.
Novelty is in the fact that for the first time the attempt to the systematic research of the President election process in the social-political context is done.
Practical significance is in the identification of those election aspects that lead to the use of manipulative technologies and in the attempt to highlight the most acceptable ways to adapt the world experience to the Ukrainian reality.
Key words: election, politics, media, «logocracy», «videocracy», stereotypes, PR-technology, manipulation, adminresource, mythologeme.
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