A. Kyrychok


With new environmental changes and terrorism creating opportunities for crisis situations, and the proliferation and development of mass media increasing vulnerability to crises, organizations are placing greater importance on crisis management. Vital to successful crisis management are strategic and effective crisis communications. Without it, the health and safety of stakeholders and the reputation of the organization are at risk.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the existing tools of media management and crisis communications in the context of overcoming the current challenges of information warfare.

Research methods. The study used the following methods: bibliographic (to analyze the current best practices of crisis media management); graphical (to visualize the damage caused by information cyberattacks); analysis (to identify the specifics of interaction between private media organizations and government agencies).

Results. The author proves that unlike risk communications, which aim to help people understand the facts that really affect their lives so that they can make informed decisions about risks, crisis communications are more aimed at managing the consequences, impact and public perception of the crisis. Crisis communications is also seen as an action-based perspective, where they shape the fundamental meaning of crisis events. In this sense, crisis communicators have the possibility to influence how the crisis and the organization are perceived by the public.

Novelty. It is proved that it is advisable to study crisis communications not as situational phenomena, but as a permanent process that should not be reduced to the stage of post-crisis communication.

The practical significance of the results obtained is to identify the need for further development of cooperation between government agencies and representatives of the media community, including private ownership, in counteracting the consequences of a full-scale and information war in Ukraine.

Key words: media management, crisis communications, social marketing, public-private partnership, media.


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