V. Shevchenko, V. Stratiuk


Purpose of the study. This study identifies the main factors that influence the success of building a personal brand.

Research methodology. To conduct a comprehensive study of personal brand-building success factors, various research methods were employed. These methods included analysis and synthesis to examine reality, reception, and generalization to gather relevant information. They also included the descriptive method to provide a detailed account of the research subject. In addition, they included a systematic approach to ensure a structured and organized investigation. These methodological approaches were chosen to facilitate a thorough understanding of personal brand-building factors.

Results: The findings of the article indicate that the factors influencing the success of building a personal brand can be categorized into positive and negative factors. The study substantiates that the main positive factors include the authenticity of the personal brand, effective utilization of communication tools to enhance brand awareness, demonstration of expertise in a specific field or niche, maintaining stability and regularity in brand-building efforts to sustain audience interest, and the individual’s ability to adapt. On the other hand, negative factors encompass a lack of brand integrity and consistency arising from the absence of a brand strategy or inconsistent implementation, inadequate management of brand reputation, rigidity, low-quality content, and the presence of fake information. The study establishes that both positive and negative factors should be effectively considered during the subjective analysis phase, particularly in the development of the personal brand concept.

The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the identification and reevaluation of the key factors that can have a positive or negative impact on the process of building a successful personal brand. This study offers a fresh perspective and insights into understanding these factors.

Practical meaning. This research applies to individuals from various professional backgrounds, such as journalists, writers, artists, HR specialists, and others (these individuals are involved in or interested in creating a personal brand). The findings and analysis provided in the article can serve as a valuable resource. It provides practical guidance and strategies for individuals seeking to establish and develop their personal brands effectively.

Key words: building a personal brand, online communication tools, personal brand, social communications, social media.


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