S. Kozyryatska


The purpose of the article is to determine the lexical and semantic features of messages on religious theme, the title complex in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet.

Research methodology. According to the purpose of the research, a number of such methods was used: observation (to collect primary empirical materials), inductive-deductive (to define and describe the peculiarities of messages on religious topics and title complex); comparison, analysis, generalization.

Results. The analysis has showed that messages of religious theme on media resources presented on the Internet are most often related to the life of Orthodox denominations (OCU and UOC MP) and the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC). The title complex and the texts of messages often include verbatives with the same meaning of speech and those close to them: verbs of reporting and transmission of information (speak up, to speak, to say); verbs to indicate the content of speech (to tell, to explain); verbs of emotional attitude and evaluation (to condemn, to blame); verbs of speech influence (to call, to appeal). Most often, verbs of speech have a neutral meaning and are devoided of expressive coloring. Sometimes phraseme (idiom) and metaphors are used in the title complex. The use of stylistically elements and tropes is more characteristic of analytical genres: allusion, paronyms, oxymorons, occasionalisms. Metonymy prevails in informational genres. Expressive means of hate speech in the title complex are also not uncommon, in particular nicknames, slang, jargon, vulgar lexis. Publications also actively use the syntactic opportunities of the language, which are typical for online-resources, in particular, sentences in which the second part after the colon does not explain the meaning of the first one, but includes «hook phrase», the purpose of which is to «force» the reader to follow the hyperlink in order to learn more («what happened»; «explained the details»).

Novelty is that the lexical and semantic features of messages on religious theme in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet have been determined.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in a comprehensive investigation of religious journalism in Ukraine and as educational material in the training of future journalists.

Key words: religious theme, title complex, verbs of speech, lexical and semantic groups, hate speech.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2023.2(54).16


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