Age and Gender Aspects of the Ukrainian Blogosphere in the Development of the People’s Cultural Code
The purpose of the article is to define the age and gender aspects of the Ukrainian blogosphere in the development of the people’s cultural code in the media environment of Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.
Research methodology. According to the purpose of the study, a number of such methods was used: the analysis of the scientific literature on the research theme, questionnaire and analysis of the research results using statistical analysis.
Results. The analysis of the scientific literature on the research theme revealed that today’s Ukrainian blogosphere shows great interest in the formation of Ukrainian statehood and the spread of the national and cultural wealth of the Ukrainian people among users. That is why the media environment in the current conditions is not only a means of communication, but also a source of knowledge of another culture, its identity and thirst for self-recognition in the world community. The results of the study revealed that the age characteristics of bloggers affect their implementation of the people’s cultural code, namely 31-40-year-old bloggers are more motivated to implement the people’s cultural code in the Ukrainian blogosphere. Analysis of the gender aspect indicates the superiority of women in the development of the people’s cultural code in the Ukrainian blogosphere with a share of 72% of the total study sample. However, the audience of the Ukrainian blogosphere is actively expanding and more and more young people are joining social networks in order to promote the national-cultural diversity of the Ukrainian people.
Novelty is that the age and gender aspects of the Ukrainian blogosphere in the development of the people’s cultural code in the media environment of Instagram, TikTok and Facebook have been determined.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in a comprehensive investigation of the Ukrainian blogosphere and as educational material in the training of future journalists.
Key words: cultural code, Ukrainian blogosphere, media space, online space, blogger.
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