Social and Communication Culture of Ukrainian Children’s Press

T. Leontieva


The purpose of the study: to reveal the social and communication culture of the Ukrainian children’s press, to highlight the features of this type of communication for children’s audiences, to determine the role, and sometimes the impact of communication in the media on children’s audiences.

The methodological basis of the article is general scientific methods: analysis of scientific literature, synthesis, generalization.

Results. As a result of the study, it was found that the social and communicative culture of the media for children is determined and depends on a fairly large number of aspects: the target audience and its age characteristics, territorial affiliation, content, subject matter, functional purpose, illustrativeness, novelty of game components, genre direction, languages, forms of material.

Novelty. The proposed study is a detailed attempt to study the communication of children’s media. For the first time, the dependence of communication on different types and types of publications was considered, the main directions of communication in the media for children were summarized, their role, functions, and features were substantiated.

Practical meaning. The results of the research can be used by teachers and practitioners in the field of mass communication, journalism, book publishing, publishing and editing. The research will also be useful in working with students in this field.

Key words: children’s press in Ukraine, communication, press culture, social networks.


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