Chabanenko M., Choblina A. The Role of Social Networks and Messengers in Content Distribution by Zaporizhia Online Media

M. Chabanenko, А. Choblina


The purpose of the study is to analyze the activity of using social networks and messengers by Zaporizhia internet mass media and to find out the peculiarities of the interaction of online media and additional digital platforms.

Research methodology. In order to investigate the theoretical achievements of scientists concerning the use of social networks and messengers in modern journalism, an analysis of scientific and methodological literature was carried out. Monitoring and comparison methods were used to study the content of Zaporizhia online media, which is distributing on various digital platforms, and induction and generalization methods were used to summarize the obtained results.

The results. The research revealed that the role of social networks and messengers in the work of regional online media is growing and taking on new forms. Journalists of Zaporizhzhia internet media take care to maintain activity on different channels and pages at the same time, taking into account their own capabilities and audience priorities. In their work, there is a tendency to move from the replication of the same content on several digital platforms to the special adaptation of media messages, based on the properties of each of them, and to work on separate audience segments, in particular foreign ones. The pace of mastering the toolkit of social networks and messengers by regional internet mass media in this area is currently not too fast, especially for the production of high-quality video content, however, journalists are becoming more and more aware of the potential of cross-media and the importance of developing cross-media techniques.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the expansion of scientific knowledge about the specifics of the social networks and messengers use in the activity of regional online media on the example of the work of Zaporizhzhia online publications.

Practical meaning. The results of the research will be useful in the practical activities of journalists in order to determine and improve the main ways of using various cross-media platforms for professional purposes.

Key words: online media, content, digital platforms, social networks, messengers.


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