Communication Tools for Working With Internally Displaced Persons in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War

A. Bondarchuk


The purpose of the study is to identify the problems that complicate the use of communication tools for interaction with internally displaced persons in the context of war.

Research methodology. The study used general scientific methods of cognition. The current situation with internally displaced persons in different regions of Ukraine and the main problems they face during the war were determined using the method of critical analysis. A comparison method was used to identify the most effective communication tools for working with IDPs. Problems that complicate the use of such tools were identified in the process of synthesizing information. The ways to solve these problems were found by the methods of induction and deduction.

Results. Modern communication tools are an important component of the integration of IDPs into the life of the territorial community. Their use helps to solve the problems faced by internally displaced persons during the war and ensures effective interaction between all parties involved in this process. At the same time, the use of communication tools is complicated by a number of problems, including: lack of access to the necessary infrastructure; language barriers; low information or digital literacy; financial constraints; social isolation and psychological stress. Solving these problems requires a comprehensive approach, including the implementation of educational programs to improve the information and digital literacy of IDPs, the development of secure Internet platforms for the exchange of useful information, the creation of accessible network infrastructures in remote regions, the development of communication strategies to overcome language barriers, the launch of psychological support programs, and the involvement of communication specialists.

Novelty. The study for the first time reveals the complex problem of using communication tools to interact with internally displaced persons in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and provides specific recommendations for overcoming these problems, taking into account various aspects, from access to infrastructure to psychological support.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by representatives of local authorities to improve communication with internally displaced persons in times of war, facilitating their integration into territorial communities and facilitating the solution of their problems.

Key words: media, communication, territorial community, social issues, internally displaced persons.


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