Informal Media Education for People of a Respectable Age: Experience of the Activities of the Public Organization «Age of Happiness»

N. Fenko, N. Bondarenko


The purpose – study of approaches to informal media education for people of respectable age, which is positioned as a complex communication and learning process.

Research methodology combines theoretical methods (critical, analytical, synthetic, inductive, deductive, comparative), systemic and structural-functional methods for building a media educational course program, as well as an empirical method of observation. These methods are used to analyze the content and features of informal media education for people of a respectable age, as well as to study the world and all-Ukrainian experience of its application.

The main empirical research method is observation of the educational activities of the Humanitarian Hub of the NGO «Age of Happiness». This method made it possible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of learning the course «Evening school on media education» by people of respectable age.

Results. The experience of teaching the course «Evening school on media education» for people of respectable age on the educational platform of the Humanitarian Hub «Age of Happiness» is presented. The main task of the hub was to build such a training system that would help every person to become visible, to learn to declare their «self», to create their own projects (from an idea to its implementation), to be able to present themselves and their project.

Novelty of the work consists in applying new approaches to informal media education for people of respectable age. The program of the media education course was developed taking into account the special requests of this target audience. The main emphasis is on the formation of digital skills and media literacy for the older generation.

The practical significanse of research results in the application of the proposed media education program for people of respectable age. Ways to solve this problem may include the creation of special educational programs, training centers or online resources aimed at building digital skills and media literacy of the older generation.

Key words: media education, media literacy, non-formal education, elderly people, public organization.


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