Ukrainian Economic Journalism as an Informational Component of Attracting Foreign Capital to the Reconstruction of Kyiv Region
The purpose of the study is to understand the progress of Ukrainian economic journalism as a prerequisite for the formation of an informational basis and support for attracting foreign capital to the post-war recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine using the example of Kyiv region.
Research methodology. With the use of a sociological survey method by surveying the residents of Irpin, Bucha, Gostomel (Kyiv region), whose property was partially and completely destroyed and looted as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine after February 24, 2022, in the period 17‒ On December 24, 2023, 15 respondents were interviewed using the Google Forms survey administration software. The practically oriented specifics of the research led to the use of a complex methodological apparatus: the method of calculations, qualitative and quantitative analysis, frequency and dispersion analysis, secondary data analysis, abstraction and synthesis.
The results of the research were formulated based on the results of the conducted survey. It was established that the media are interested in economic topics systematically (46.2%), when specific material catches their eye (23.1%) or from time to time (15.4%), and the biggest obstacle to the full recovery of the cities of the Kyiv region is considered to be insufficient transparency to the distribution and development of financial resources provided by foreign donors (69.2%). It is noteworthy that the war, which has been going on for two years, is such an argument for only 30.8% of respondents. It is worth restoring property under any conditions (38.5%) and as soon as safety conditions allow (46.2%). The current image of Ukraine in the world is characterized as: «unbreakable, stable, invincible», «corrupt», «far from ideal», «independent», «confused», «diverse», «heroic, brave, desperate nation of warriors of heroes». The general optimism of Ukrainians, represented in the research by 15 respondents of various ages, has no alternative, because 100% are sure that Ukraine will win.
The novelty of the research lies in an up-to-date look at the prospects for the reconstruction and renewal of Ukraine and the expectations of the public, in particular those affected by the war in the context of the participation of foreign donors in this process, the role of economic journalism in attracting foreign investments and work on improving the investment image of Ukraine, in particular in the aspect of financial attractiveness for investors confident in the favorable business climate.
Practical meaning. The results of the research will lead to a better understanding that every Ukrainian is capable of contributing to reconstruction, a great common cause; foreign partners will be more inclined to help us when they see that Ukrainian businessmen invest in Ukraine, Ukrainians help each other, invest in the country, work for victory.
Key words: fight against corruption, economic journalism, journalistic investigations, image of Ukraine, foreign capital, media coverage of the reconstruction of Ukraine, post-war reconstruction.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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