Digital Security of Journalists in Regional Media: Actualisation in Wartime

N. Dashchenko, О. Kushnir, T. Reshetukha


The research aims to analyze the level of digital competencies proficiency among journalists in regional media operating under wartime conditions.

Research methodology. A combination of theoretical and empirical methods was employed to determine journalists’ proficiency in digital security competencies. Specifically, the descriptive method clarified the essence of key concepts and definitions, while the analytical-synthetic method outlined the theoretical and methodological foundation of the research problem. The survey method constituted the empirical foundation of the research. General scientific methods of data generalization and interpretation resulted in the systematic organization of the survey results.

The results. Hybrid Wars of the 20th–21st centuries have brought attention to the problem of digital security in the global and national media space, which is not fully explored theoretically and not sufficiently understood by practiсing journalists. In both personal and professional spheres, media practitioners constantly face a spectrum of digital threats, which determined the subject of the survey conducted in June 2023 among individuals of different ages and levels of experience in diverse regional media formats. The survey focused on the comprehension of digital security under wartime conditions, thereby highlighting the importance of both personal and professional digital education.

The novelty of the research lies in clarifying the level of comprehension of digital threats and proficiency in corresponding security skills among journalists in regional media.

Practical meaning.The results of this research can prove valuable for media managers in decision-making processes, for media trainers in shaping training themes and selecting the audience, and for journalists in planning their professional and self-development.

Key words: regional journalism, security paradigm, digital competence, digital security, digital threats.


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