Ukrainian Identity as an Information and Communication Strategy of Business Companies: the Context of Strategic Communications During the War

A. Baranetska


The purpose of the article is to study the role of business in the implementation of strategic communications, in particular, the implementation of the national grand narrative of Ukrainian identity.

Research methodology. While studying the phenomenon of national identity and understanding the national narrative as a communication tool, methods of analysis and synthesis were used; in the process of studying communication practices of spreading the national narrative of Ukrainianness by a modern advertising agency the descriptive method was used.

Results. The article examines the phenomenon of Ukrainian identification as an important socio-cultural factor in the functioning of society and a tool for its consolidation in the crisis conditions of war. Ukrainian identity is described as a significant component of the implementation of resistance to external aggression both in physical and informational confrontation with hostile communications. Communication is presented as a kind of action format, and Ukrainianness is presented as an informational component of strategic business communications. Based on the reception of communication practices of the advertising agency «Pyromida», the vectors of implementation of the dominant grand narrative of Ukrainian identity are described. It was found out that the inclusion of business in the mechanism of strategic communications contributes to filling the national information space with relevant content and spreading of national narratives.

The novelty is in understanding of business communications as an important component of media space and a platform for spreading of the national grand narrative of Ukrainian identity, as well as in the representation of Ukrainianness as a modern communication strategy of business companies.

The practical significance of the article is revealed in studying communication practices for the implementation of the Ukrainianness strategy on the example of a modern advertising agency, which can serve as an example for the application of the described tools by other companies.

Key words: strategic communications, national narrative, grand narrative, communication strategy, Ukrainian identity, Ukrainianness, information space, information confrontation, business companies, corporate social responsibility, crisis communications.


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