Review and Analysis of the Structural Elements of Press Releases in the Modern Media Area (Based on the Examples of Publications of the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency)

N. Bilan, H. Horbenko, M. Netreba


The purpose of the study is to characterise press releases, including their topics and structure (headlines, lead paragraphs, background, quotes, hashtags, images and contact details).

Research methodology. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature to outline the specifics of a modern press release; to systematise and summarise the empirical results of the study to identify trends in press release writing in the context of digital transformation. To review and analyse the structural elements of press releases, statistical analytical methods were used, in particular, the content analysis method.

The empirical basis of our study was 1062 press releases of companies presented on the online platform of the Interfax-Ukraine news agency. The data was collected from the official website:

The research period of February 2022 – February 2023 was used to track the topics of press releases that were most frequently mentioned and most relevant during the full-scale invasion.

Results. The study examined in detail the structural elements of press releases, including topics, headlines, lead paragraphs, backgrounds, quotes, hashtags, images, and contact details. The research reveals the specifics of identifying new press release formats. The results of the analysis show a significant impact of images, hypertext links, and tags, which indicates the active use of graphic elements to attract readers’ attention. Multimedia is a necessary element of structuring and emphasising the main aspects of information in a press release.

Scientific innovation. For the first time, a systematic study of the structural elements of press releases in the Ukrainian information space is proposed.

Practical significance. The study provided up-to-date information on the characteristics of the effectiveness of press releases in the media space. The results of the analysis will be useful for studying communication strategies and practices in the modern information space.

Key words: press release, news agency, multimedia, structural elements, information space.


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