Creative Techniques of text Formation in the Context of a Rational Type of Advertising Strate-gy
The purpose of the study is to characterize the features of creative methods of text construction in advertising discourse, which is based on the implementation of a rational type of advertising strategy.
Research methodology. During the development and systematization of the theoretical and methodological base on the implementation of advertising strategies, creative techniques and methods of building an advertising text, descriptive, systematic and comparative methods were used, while monitoring the texts of modern advertising discourse, the grouping, comparative, systematic method was used.
The results. The question of the effectiveness of the advertising text, its impact on the consumer’s consciousness is and will remain important even in the new media reality, information countermeasures, etc. Creative methods that implement a rational type of advertising strategy, demonstrate the functional advantages of the product, the obvious, direct benefit that the product or service provides, most often use characteristics that can be measured, calculated, compared, confirmed by research, statistical data. A large layer of such creative methods is aimed at implementing the price policy of companies – providing discounts, bonuses, promotions, dividing payments into several parts, etc. These techniques can be used completely independently, and in conjunction with approaches containing emotional challenges, motives, etc.
Novelty. The novelty of the researched question lies in the understanding of the peculiarities of the use of creative methods of advertising text, which implement an advertising strategy of a rational type, in determining their role in this process.
Practical significance. The conducted scientific research makes it possible to use the developed materials when teaching practical courses in copywriting, advertising, advertising creativity, journalism, conducting trainings for employees of communication, advertising, digital agencies, etc.
Key words: advertising strategy, advertising text, creative techniques, rational motives, rational arguments, additional benefits.
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