The Phenomenon of Designing Communication Environments in Methodological Projection

V. Kornieiev, N. Bilan, T. Sashchuk


The purpose of the article is to form a model of the communication environment as a phenomenon of modern social reality.

Research methodology. The article outlines the possibilities of studying the communication environment from the perspective of methodological approaches to communication studies. The communication environment is viewed as a phenomenon that emerges under conditions of intensified information flow and results from the development of communication technological capabilities for an individual or a group of people, as well as the emergence of a new paradigm of mediatization, which significantly influences the formation of the structure of the information flow and its significance for the process of social transformations. When preparing the research, we were guided by general scientific methods of theoretical research, in particular, methods of formalization and generalization, abduction, «grounded theory», hypothetical-deductive method and modeling method.

Results. In addition to the traditional communication and marketing context of the issue, the article analyzes aspects of designing communication environments, taking into account their nature, structure, the complex system of message authorship, and the discreteness of the communication environment in time and space. This approach leads to several important conclusions: first, it identifies an understanding of the dynamic nature of the communication environment and the classification of the model of its changes; second, it qualifies the components of the communication environment from the perspective of their functions and defines the internal correlations between these components; third, the article emphasizes the concept of the discreteness of the communication environment, stressing the need to predict and plan the lifespan of at least local communication environments, as well as to develop and implement technologies for closing communication environments (the communication balance model); fourth, the research highlights the issue of segmenting and structuring the communication environment, which provies grounds for classifying the phenomenon not only within the general philosophical concept of being (epistemological approach) and treating it as an objective reality, but also for institutionalizing and operationalizing its individual components and objective characteristics.

Scientific novelty. The article outlines research perspectives on technologies for designing communication environments, considering modern technological communication capabilities, the development of social media, the expansion of social communication possibilities, and their integration within social systems.

The practical significance of the research lies in the positioning of the researched phenomenon as a discrete communication phenomenon, the creation and development of which are subject to operationalization in accordance with the needs and instructions of communication subjects, which opens up opportunities for the formation of a number of completely new scientific tasks and the renewal of the paradigm of communication technologies.

Key words: сommunication еnvironments, communication technologies, projection of communication.


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