Reputational Risks of the Publishing Business in Ukraine
Research оbjective. The objective of this research is to analyze cases related to the management of publishing companies' image during Russia's full-scale invasion.
Research methodology. To achieve the goal of this research, the following scientific methods were used: comparison, analysis and synthesis, and generalization. The comparison method was employed when analyzing the reactions and responses of different publishers to reputational risks. The methods of analysis and synthesis were applied in examining diverse information and cases of reputational risks. The generalization method was used to track and represent the overall trend of publishers' responses to reputational risks.
Results. As a result of this research, the risks faced by the reputation of the publishing business today were identified. Successful cases of reputation management were also analyzed. Strategic reputation management is an important aspect in today's environment, when it becomes especially sensitive for the end consumer. Working on reputation becomes a necessity to overcome the challenges facing publishing companies. The impact of cooperation with Russia creates a precedent to which consumers and partners quickly respond. Even during investigations, publishers' target audiences can limit the purchase of books, and partners can suspend cooperation, as happened in the case of Bookchef. The analysis of the most famous cases also shows that companies that previously had active feedback with consumers face certain difficulties in communication if reputation management was not a priority.
Novelty. The article analyzes reputational risks faced by publishing businesses as of 2022–2024, and provides a critical review of press publications featuring interviews/comments from publishers.
Practical significance. The examples provided in the research can be used for further work on the topic, and they also serve as a comprehensive representation of the methods used by publishers to manage reputational risks.
Key words: reputational risks, publishing industry, reputation management strategies, collaboration, crisis.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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