The Role of Storytelling in the Speechwriting Text

I. Tonkikh


The purpose of the research is to determine the role and functions of storytelling in public speeches created by speechwriters, as well as to formulate recommendations for improving speechwriting activities in view of the evolution of communication technologies.

Research methodology. The study of the regularities of the functioning of storytelling in public speeches is based on the observation method. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization and interpretation of data made it possible to systematize the obtained results. The method of typology and classification implementation allowed determining the roles and functions of storytelling in a speechwriting text.

The results. It is established that nowadays storytelling is gaining weight in many areas of professional activity as one of the most effective methods of conveying information as well as an effective and promising communication technology, in particular in the field of speechwriting. The article differentiates the levels of storytelling use in the process of creation of a public speech and clarifies its functions in the speechwriting text. The paper identifies the types of speeches, which use the technology most effectively. The leading narrative strategies and means of architecture of well-known oral public speeches are characterized, demonstrating the effectiveness of using storytelling. The study suggests the Recommendations for creating a speechwriting text based on the considered cases.

The novelty of the obtained research results is an attempt to find out the specific signs and regularities of the functioning of storytelling in a speechwriting text and to formulate recommendations for the creation of texts of public speeches.

Practical significance. The obtained results can contribute to the further development and improvement of communication technologies in various fields of activity and be useful to speechwriters and speakers in the process of public speeches preparation.

Key words: speechwriting, storytelling, public speech, speaker, speechwriting text, communication technology, narrative, architectonics.



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