Theory of Influence in Mass Communications: Theoretical Aspect

Z. Partyko


The purpose of the study is to build theoretical foundations (basic concepts, methodological principles, basic types, postulates and laws) for one of the possible concepts of the theory of influence in mass communications.

Research methodology. The following methods were used during the research: analysis (for the elaboration of concepts, postulates, laws described in the literature); comparison (to determine the relationship between the theory of media influence, the theory of mass communication and social psychology); formalization (for components of the theory of media influence at the lowest (verbal) level); generalization (to reject insignificant features of the postulates and laws of the theory of influence in mass communications described in the literature); synthesis (for formulating the theoretical foundations (postulates, laws) of the concept of the theory of media influence).

Results. It was revealed that the methodological basis of the theory of influence in the area of mass communications is such a type of modal logic as the logic of preferences. Definitions of such types of influence as energetic, psychological and informational are given. In the area of mass communication, influence is called propaganda (this is the kind of influence that the sender of a message carries out purposefully and aims to change the behavior of the recipient that meets the sender's needs). A set of six postulates is offered as a theoretical basis for the theory of influence in mass communications. It is indicated that for the selection of propaganda methods it is advisable to use the following rule: if the facts to be sent to the recipient are important and new to that person, then for such a message it is necessary to choose rational (persuasion) methods, and in other cases - non-rational (blocking, infection, manipulation) propaganda. Also a set of 12 statements is offered that have grounds to claim the status of laws of this theory. Some of these statements have been empirically verified in practice.

Novelty. The offered postulates and assertions, which claim the status of the laws of the theory of influence in the area of mass communications, are not described in such a configuration (composition) and in such a status in the literature (single, separate facts of such a presentation are available in the literature).

Practical significance. The obtained results can be used: a) for further development of the theory of mass media influence; b) in the educational process of a higher school of communication direction.

Key words: theory of influence, media, mass media, types of influence, postulates, principles, laws.


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