Challenges in the Work of a Military TV Correspondent: Survey Results
Research aim: to study the work experience of television correspondents / journalists covering the course of Russia’s large-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine, and to find out what new challenges they face today while performing editorial tasks.
Research methodology. A survey method was used to identify the specifics of the work of a correspondent / journalist who works directly in a conflict zone / frontline / especially dangerous areas. Its results were systematized and presented in the form of tables, charts with statistical (percentage) indicators. The descriptive method was used during the presentation of the research results.
Results. The analysis of academic literature, publications of the Institute of Mass Information, the Commission on Journalistic Ethics, the publication «Detector Media», as well as a number of Recommendations and Rules for journalists, which were developed and published by the Department of Public Relations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, made it possible not only to study the organizational aspects of the work of journalists covering the war in Ukraine, but also to analyze in detail the changes in their professional duties and mandatory security conditions dictated by the present. On the basis of these data, a questionnaire was created, the questions in which were formulated with an emphasis on identifying the respondents’ own experience during the execution of editorial tasks on the frontline / battle area / especially dangerous areas.
Novelty. During the great war in Ukraine, the user’s demands for media are growing extremely, because news content about the course of this brutal and destructive confrontation is extremely important and in demand. Adhering to journalistic standards and conveying information to users has become a challenge for broadcasters, because the creation of audiovisual content (due to a number of circumstances) is not only a difficult process, but also extremely responsible. Difficulties in covering the war (when leading Ukrainian media resources and the government are silent) encourage users to look for information from dubious sources. This causes a number of problems in society, so explaining to the potential audience the specifics of the work of correspondents during martial law in the country and emphasizing the rules for publishing news from the battle area / frontline / especially dangerous areas is urgent and extremely important.
Practical value. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying courses on the security of journalistic activity and war journalism in general. Certain provisions of the conclusions can serve as a kind of practical guide for media workers, based on practice-oriented cases regarding the performance of professional duties / editorial tasks during wartime (in conflict zones), in especially dangerous areas or places of combat operations.
Key words: military television correspondent, journalistic standards, editorial tasks, security, media reality, challenges in professional activity.
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