Components of the Publisher’s Image: a Case Study of «Nash Format»
Research objective. The study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the components shaping the image of the publishing house «Nash Format» and to determine their influence on the development and maintenance of the brand in the modern Ukrainian book market. Special attention is paid to evaluating brand perception among the target audience and assessing the effectiveness of implemented PR strategies.
Research methodology. The study employs a comprehensive approach, incorporating content analysis and case study methods. Content analysis was used for a systematic examination of materials reflecting the public activity of the publishing house, including its communication on social media, advertising campaigns, and press releases. This approach enabled the assessment of the brand's key characteristics, audience engagement levels, and core messages shaping its image. The case study method provided an in-depth exploration of specific events critically impacting the publisher's reputation. In particular, it examined situations related to leadership changes, the introduction of corporate volunteering, and responses to crisis challenges.
Results. The research identified several key components shaping the image of «Nash Format». First, a strategic branding approach focused on promoting high-quality literature, particularly in the nonfiction and business genres, provides a competitive advantage. Second, active digital communication, particularly through social media, is a crucial factor in engaging the target audience and enhancing brand recognition. Additionally, participation in social initiatives, such as corporate volunteering, positively influences the publisher's reputation. However, some communication gaps were noted in crisis situations, such as during leadership transitions.
Novelty. This article systematizes the components of «Nash Format's» image for the first time, considering the integration of digital communications and social initiatives. It outlines the interaction mechanisms of internal and external factors influencing brand formation and maintenance, enabling an evaluation of the effectiveness of applied PR tools.
Practical significance. The findings of this study can be utilized by other publishing houses to develop and optimize their PR strategies. Particular emphasis is placed on the effective use of new media to enhance brand recognition and on crisis communications aimed at maintaining reputational stability.
Key words: publishing house image, branding, PR strategies, content analysis, case study, media communications, social responsibility.
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