Research methodology. The following methods were used during the study: a comparative-historical method allowed to allocate the levels of development of the visual structure of screen creations; typological analysis method, which belongs to descriptive methods, was used for systematization of television programmes on the basis if common features and qualities for the further research; analysis of scientific literature helped to form a theoretical and methodological base in the chosen direction of research; archeographic method was used in the analysis of cinema and television pieces.
Results. Having analyzed the specific features and place of television among the screen arts from the beginning of its existence to the 60s of XX century, we conclude that with its appearance began an active process of differentiation and understanding of the role of each of the communicative media – theater, radio, cinema, television – in the general media system. Studying the ways of realizing the screen nature shows that this process was long and debatable. As any innovations, the unusual techniques and uncommon means of shooting have got mixed reaction of critics and at the same time successful use among television specialists. Despite the genetic interrelation of cinema and television, we note such specific traits that are more characteristic for television: intimacy, simultaneity, documentation, etc. At the beginning of XX century, new ways of shooting are gaining popularity in chronicle and documentary: the frame is deliberately disorganized, the image is illuminated and «shaking», that is the «effect of presence» on television is achieved by all means. Over the next decades, certain techniques of video capture take place in television films that use reportage filming techniques to obtain factual information. In our opinion, all this testifies to the impact of cinema on the formation of the video footage fixation method. Although undeniable too is the powerful impact of documentary filmmaking on cinema art, which again proves the aesthetic closeness of cinema and television, the community of their expression means. This was the process of differentiation of craft from art. These are the main features and trends of television development that have evolved from its genesis to its separation into a separate field of audiovisual arts and communication channel.
Novelty. The study is a first attempt to analyze the technology of creative methods in the context of the transformation of the screen nature, to systematize common and distinctive features in the method of video image fixation in the screen arts during the formation period.
The practical significance. The analyzed methods, expressive means of screen can be used in the process of video production: during the video recording, editing and staging stadium in television production.
Key words: audiovisual art, video image, documentary, screen, cinema, television, television production, chronicle.Full Text:
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