Representation of Sexuality in the Ukrainian Online Media: Main Approaches

V. Hrysiuk


Research methodology. In the research, the following methods were used: monitoring (Ukrainian internet media), analysis, synthesis, and also a descriptive method (the ways of representing sexuality in the media) are used in the work.

Results. The article chracterises the ways of representing sexuality in the Ukrainian online media. The positive aspect of representing sexuality on the Internet is the creation of conscious projects and publicity, mainly, it learns, spreading the myth and explaining current issues rather than demonstrating physicality as an end in itself. In the course of the study, four ways of representing sexual content on the media network were investigated: 1) manipulation of the submitted data as facts without estimates, 2) information available, 3) positive or negative information; 4) creating discussions for international public opinion.

Novelty. In the given article, with the help of monitoring and analysis method are defined, explored and described the ways of sexual content representing in popular Ukrainian online media («Obozrevatel», «TSN», «Segodnya», «Ukrainian Truth. Life», «Platfor. ma», «Gazeta. ua»). The main ways of representing sexuality in the online media are the following: manipulation of the information representation as an unqualified fact; representation of the educational information (for educational purposes); representation of the information with positive or negative evaluations; creating a discussion for the clarification of public opinion. The article also defines the negative aspects of manipulation in the context of the sexuality representation.

The practical significance. The research results can be used during the development of representation sexuality in the Ukrainian internet media.

Key words: sexuality, representation, online media, manipulation.


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