System of Mass Communication in the Territorial Community in the Conditions of Reforming the Municipal Press in Ukraine

V. Dreshpak


Research Methodology. During the study, the following methods were used: systematic, theoretical analysis, classification, secondary analysis of the results of the sociological research and statistics.

Results. The current state of mass communication systems in the local communities of Ukraine after the reform of the municipal press in 2016–2018 has been clarified. The social and technological differences of different types of local communities regarding their use of mass communication systems are demonstrated. It is substantiated that the achieving the optimal level of communicative maturity of the community will ensure the development of its socio-political and economic activity, the activity of local communications and social interaction of members of the local community, the formation of modern communicative culture. It is established that in the structure of mass communication systems in local communities there is a further reduction of the segment of traditional mass media, and among the functions of the biggest changes is the function of social management.

Novelty. Actual tendencies of transformation of structure and functions of mass communication systems in local communities of Ukraine after reforming of communal newspapers are revealed. The classification of local communities according to the degree of their use of mass communication systems is elaborated and describes such types of communities as: interegopolis, sociopolis, mediapolis.

The practical significance. It is recommended that the reformed edition develop on the model of public media and take on a number of communicative tasks of the local communities and thus implement the social function of mass communication. Implementation of such recommendations will be possible if a number of problems are solved, the most important of which is overcoming the distrust of the potential audience to the local press, modernization of editorial policy and marketing strategy of the editions.

Key words: mass communication; mass media, local media, local community, reform.


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