Varieties of the Modern Copywriting
Research methodology. The study used a method of comparative analysis of scientific and reference sources to clarify the content of the concept of copywriting and the specifics of its differentiation, a descriptive method for the complex characterization of copywriting varieties, generalization. In addition, we applied common scientific methods of observation, analysis, synthesis, deduction, and induction.
Results. The differentiation of copywriting into certain varieties depends directly on what meaning they are putting into the concept. If the classification of copywriting is based on the traditional understanding of this concept as the writing of texts that sell, today it is possible to clearly distinguish two main varieties of it: advertising copywriting and PR copywriting, or image. The first type of copywriting is to write advertising texts, and the second is to form a positive attitude of the audience to the individual, company, brand, etc. In turn, in advertising copywriting you can distinguish naming and technical copywriting, and in PR copywriting – newsmaking, newsjacking, event-copywriting. With the development of the Internet has evolved the concept of web rating, which, in addition to the traditional understanding of copywriting, involves writing any multifaceted publications to attract the attention of the audience and increase the site’s rating. In this regard, the focus of SEO copywriting aimed at creating texts optimized for user searches. Recently, this kind has transformed into a more sophisticated field of LSI copywriting, within which they create relevant, original and high quality publications relevant to the audience’s inquiries.
Novelty. An attempt to differentiate the varieties of copywriting in accordance with the modern understanding of this concept is carried out in the article. The selection and comprehensive analysis of each type of copywriting, depending on its content, is a novelty.
Practical meaningfulness. The results of the study can be used in the practical work of copywriters and advertisers, in teaching the discipline of «Copywriting» for students of the specialty «Advertising and PR in the Media Industry», as well as in the writing of research papers on copywriting.
Key words: web-writing, copywriting, newsmaking, newsjacking, advertisement text, SЕО-copywriting.
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