Target Audience and Distribution Channels of Popular Scientific Information in the Media
Research Methodology. General research methods were used in the writing of the study, namely, empirical research (observation and comparison) methods. From theoretical research methods used analysis. With the special techniques used method of forecasting and prediction results from the analysis also disperse or factor analysis, as described influence of various factors on the result. Using cluster analysis was created classification.
Results. The popularization of science in Ukraine is not very widespread, but the topic for research is relevant. There are many classifications regarding popular science information, the article reviews and analyzes the groups of creators and recipients of popular science information created and proposed by scientists in Ukraine. The article defines the terms «popularization», «popular science magazine». It describes what the recipients are interested in, the characteristics they choose when selecting channels of information dissemination, the particularities of different social groups in the media, and the classification of scientific journalism offered by the researchers. Taking into account the typologies that exist, conclusions are drawn regarding the characteristics of the target audience of information consumers.
Dissemination of popular science information in Ukraine occurs through periodicals (specialized journals; news in the special sections of newspapers), radio (broadcasting, information in the news blocks of radio channels), television (sitcoms, information in the news blocks of TV channels), Internet (sites, sections on sites, social pages, sitcoms in the archives of websites).
Analyzing mass media channels that disseminate information about scientific achievements, we offer a detailed classification of consumers of popular science information by age (children, teenagers, adults), by personal interests (casual recipients, people who are interested in specific information for a certain period, amateurs/connoisseurs), by professional needs (students, specialists of related or relevant profession, specialists, scientists).
The practical significance. In order to promote science, scientists need to be interested in disseminating their findings to the public, and journalists should be truthfully elucidate, because the use and manipulation of facts will lose the trust of the audience. In order to reach a specific audience, journalist need to know what features it is formed of.
Key words: popular science information, distribution channels, target audience, media.
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