Communication Process as an Element of Information Warfare and Impact on the Masses

S. Starodub


Research methodology. The study used methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparative to determine the impact of communication elements during information wars in the context of globalization processes.

Results. The communication process is an integral part of modern social life. Each communication element plays its role in influencing the masses. To such communication elements at the present stage it is possible to allocate social media developed on the expanses of the Internet system. Each modern element of communication-communication, the transmission of this or that information is a factor affecting the fateful decision-making, the existence of certain political-state constituents, elements of management and the emergence of information and communication processes for a new social stage. The more the world is experiencing information battles that are permanent, it is these battles that urge the public to exchange one or another information that has both a negative and a positive phenomenon in communication spheres.

Novelty. Such influences on the masses as information, information-technical, informational-psychological, suggestion (suggestion), special information operations, actions of information aggression, information wars and information weapons are distinguished and their peculiarities are traced on the example of the current situation in Ukraine. The use of manipulative technologies in the field of communicative communication is characterized by communication and information system components that are used by politicians and the military to accomplish their tasks.

The practical significance. The research results can be used during the development of events of formation of information communications.

Key words: war, world, state, conflict, fighting, information war, globalization, communication processes, information, communication, society.


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