Specialized and Popular Media Criticism: Ukrainian Experience

A. Mykolaienko


In the article is was considered the activity of Ukrainian media-critical publications, analyzeed the peculiarities of their content and the scale of influence on the reader's audience. It is analyzed and compared two main types of media criticism - specialized and popular. It is characterized the specifics of specialized media criticism on the basis of «Медіакритика», «Телекритика», «MediaSapiens», «Detector Media», «Media Lab», «Медиа Няня» publications. It is revealed that a group of sites founded by N. Ligacheva «Телекритика»,«MediaSapiens», «Detector Media») is a multifunctional and basic professional platform that combines research of the media space, raising the media literacy of society, counteracting misinformation and propaganda. The emphasis is on professional media coverage and the use of experimental forms of journalism. It was analyzed materials of popular regular and irregular media criticism, presented in separate sections, blogs and reader's posts. The materials of popular media criticism presented on the Observer site, in particular Andrey Rushkovsky and Georgy Bursov are analyzed.

The basis of mass media criticism is based on personal observations, reflections, assessments, attitudes to phenomena and problems. Emotionally colored style, directness of judgment can be combined with superficial, shallow coverage of complex issues. Professional journalism and the blogosphere complement each other, a similar situation is observed with specialized and mass media criticism. At the same time, specialized media criticism is a kind of mark of quality, because it is focused on the relevance, accuracy, relevance of information, while bloggers are aimed at the audience in terms of proximity of interests and entertainment.

As a result, the materials of specialized media criticism are intended mainly for the audience of media people. The works of mass media criticism are intended for the general public. The article found that both types of media criticism are intended to stimulate public interest in the problems of media functioning, and are a means of feedback between the audience and the media.

Key words: media criticism, specialized media criticism, popular media criticism.


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