Crowdpublishing as the Newest of Online Promotion of Publishing Products Means
Research Methodology. The article’s research used methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction (for figure out of features of crowdfunding processes and platforms, exposure of patterns of their functioning at all), the specification (for the identify of the condition of crowdpublishing in the ukrainian marketplace) and typology (figuring out of similarities and differences of ways of promotion).
Results. Defined, that an important role in a modern publishing is played by promotion, it is a process of creation of popularity of book and author by non-advertisement ways, integrated in the market mechanism of marketing and directed to formation of demands in final results. Today by publishers used a number of promotion ways, among the most popular called the web-sites of publishing houses, blogs on web-sites and in social media, presents and special proposals, book trailers and video-presentation and crowdtechnologies. Crowdpublishing is the independent way of the promotion of printing products that opens new possibilities for modern publishing industry.
The analysis of crowdpublishing house «Komubook» and crowdfunding platform of «Spilnokosht» on the base of web-site «Velyka Ideia» showed, that they had an own specific with general and excellent features. However the basic way of promotion of printing products is crowdpublishing, which unites these platforms. Use to say, that it is the newest method of edition of own product that becoming popularity in Ukraine and allows to attract reader broader audience.
Novelty. Within the limits of the article, firstly research the instruments of Internet-promotion of publishing products on the crowdfunding platforms of Ukraine; figured out the features of crowdpublishing using as the newest crowdtechnologies.
The practical significance. The exposure of the main assets of the promotion of crowdpublishing projects will allow to generalize the modern situation of functioning of crowd-technologies in Ukraine.
Key words: publishing product, crowdpublishing, crowdtechnologies, crowdfunding, marketing, promotion.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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