Content-Plan of SMM Promotion of a Personal Brand in Social Network Instagram

N. Lebid


Methodology of the research. In the course of the study, the method of analysis of theoretical sources (the works of well-known advertiser practitioners and scholars on the current state of developing of personal branding and social media marketing issues), content analysis of the social network, as well as generalization and systematization of the results were used.

Results. In the modern context, the personal brand is used as a system of parameters that is included in the image of not only administrative institutions, public movements, but also public figures and individuals. Important to study is the specifics of personal brand positioning by both traditional media, and official pages in social networks. Further perception of the target audience of already made personal brand depends on specific elements and means of positioning on individual pages in the social network Instagram.

The text of the posts is determined by the ease of appeal to the consumers, as indicated by the usage of the words “wait for everyone and everyone”, “it was hot”, etc. A feature is hashtags usage, which indicates both the subject and the type of content. Along with each post there are standard hashtags, but under certain posts there are those that were created for the informational reason: the day of the birth, the show, the song contest.

The singer mainly uses reputational and news types of content. Instead, the sales posts were not detected, because none of the event announcements contains commercial information, but only informs fans about them.

Novelty. In the article, features of the content plan and the specifics of the positioning of the personal brand “MONATIK” in the advertising campaign “LOVE IT rhythm” in the social network Instagram are highlighted.

Practical significance. Results of the research can be used by content managers, owners of personal brands for the purpose of their own positioning in social networks and raising the quantitative indicators of attending various events and expanding the target audience.

Key words: content-plan, personal brand, social network, Internet, SMM promotion.


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