Expressive Means of Service-Expert Video Content

A. Tregub


Research methodology. Methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization as well as a descriptive method were used to study the expressive means of service-expert video content

Results. The article deals with the features of video shooting, frame compositions, and editing as expressive means of service-expert video content. In television production documentary type of shooting prevails, whereas in the production of video content for vlogs chronicle-information shooting prevails. When composing a frame in television production, the following options for shooting environment are taken into account: a professionally equipped studio; real environment in which characters live; real environment into which characters integrate according to the plot; a combination of studio and real environment. In the studio design bright rich colors dominate; the depth of the frame emphasizes scenery along with fill, back, background and directional light. When constructing a frame composition in the production of content for a vlog, the following options for shooting environment are taken into account: real environment of habitation or working activity of a vlogger; real environment in which a vlogger is integrated in accordance with the subject of a vlog; an amateur studio. Directional light passed through the light-diffusing filter is used; as background one may use the environment interior as well as natural environment; installation of interior items and decorative elements and lighting devices (garlands, fixtures); wall; cloth. In TV production, in addition to sequential editing, cross-over, parallel and retrospective editing is used, and in the civic video journalism the intra-frame editing predominates.

Novelty. In the article the means of expressiveness of service-expert video content are investigated.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the practice of television production, for further study of the of service-expert television features, and for the development of scientific and methodological materials for educational subjects in the field of television journalism.

Key words: service-expert journalism, service-expert video content, expressive means.



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