Realization of Linguistic Norms on Ukrainian Television

S. Zharko


Research Methodology. In the course of the study, the method of content analysis of news texts on TV channels «Ukraine», «1 + 1», «NTN», «ICTV» was used, in this case their linguistic-stylistic features are revealed, as well as trends of the language of modern domestic television news and their influence on the normalization of the Ukrainian literary language.Results. The analysis of the basic texts of the mass media, that is news, gives grounds to conclude that national television as a priority mechanism of influence on the consciousness, preferences and language tastes of the people demonstrates the dynamics of the Ukrainian language, the tendency to expand its vocabulary both at the expense of borrowed words, and through the simulation of specific titles . Under the pressure of extralinguistic factors, as well as democratization and lack of censorship, modern television has become more relaxed, and its linguistic products are more emotional, stylistically colorful. As a result, we observe the convergence of the norms of oral and written language, there is a process of gradual abandonment of outdated, book-writing forms and designs. As a result, television has joined the formation, creation and distribution of new expressive means, functional rearrangement of vocabulary, and most importantly – the creation and consolidation of new language norms. However, in spite of all the achievements, the texts under investigation show a lot of deviations from the norms of the literary language, and even significant violations of language laws, in particular the use of the syllable, the confusion of paronyms, interlingual homonyms, the false formation of grammatical forms of words, unprincipled emphasis. The serious disadvantage of media texts is the scarcity of spatial and jargon lexemes with a distinct negative assessment, which not only negatively affects the language tastes of the native speakers, but also erodes the literary norm.Novelty. The article analyzes the implementation of the norms of the literary language in the news texts that are basic in the media, as well as outlines the tendencies of the modern Ukrainian language, for example, the language of the national television.The practical significance. The results of the study can be used to further study linguistic practices on television and formulate recommendations for improving the broadcasting culture of journalists.Key words: language of the television, television, dynamics of language, violations of the norms of the literary language, language anortays.



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