Features of Information Portal Content Formation

A. Gusev


Research methodology. In our research we used generalization, comparison and  analysis methods, that helped us to trace the peculiarities of interaction between amateur authors and editorial board of information portals.

Results. We have considered the features of Internet journalism, the impact of new media on web journalism, we have also studies the information portals and their sections which are devoted to readers' materials.

Novelty. New media are becoming more important with the development of mass media. They are smoothly becoming a part of the information society infrastructure and make it more sophisticated. Digital radio and television, the Internet have naturally combined text and audiovisual information. When comparing the Internet, radio, television and the press, it is worth determining the main difference between them. Classical media are created by professionals, the radio listener or viewer does not participate in the formation of their content. The interactivity of these media is technically limited. On the Internet, while preserving the high quality of traditional media, new media (newspapers, internet radio, etc.) create preconditions for impact on content and allow each user to be a co-creator of media messaging. The network allows the consumer to choose precisely the information that is more relevant to his or her benefits in terms of content and form. So interactivity is one of the most important characteristics of new media, providing access to the Internet and media convergence. The Internet, thanks to new gadgets and digital formats, allows you not to split technically the video, text and audio. Naturally, all three of the main high-quality new media – hypertext, multimedia and interactivity – affect the development of genres of Internet journalism, but they develop the fundamental qualities inherited from their predecessors, and they do not replace or abolish them.

Practical value. The results of the study can be used in the special courses on the study of new media.

Key words: web portals, new media, interactivity, web journalism.



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