Тhe Information in the TV Talk Shows and the Perception of its Audience

M. Netreba, S. Petryaeva


Research methodology. The basis of the research is historical, informational, terminological and cognitive approaches. In the research, the following methods were used: analysis, comparison, generalization – to determine the characteristics of presenting information on regional and national television; experimental – through survey to identify the impact of information from talk shows to the modern viewer. The methods used to conduct comparisons and analogies to determine the effect of methods of presenting information to the viewer and his perception of the audience, as well as substantive-logical methods – the analysis of features of the talk-show on regional and national TV channels.

Results. We characterized the influence of information that the audience get from the talk show, as well as the process of preparation and conduct dialogue programs on regional and national TV channels.

Novelty. Analyzed the preparation and holding of talk shows on regional and national TV channels, the influence of this information transmission to a modern audience, and defines its perception of them. Quite a few of the fundamental scientific work regarding the definition of the characteristics of presenting information in a talk show on regional and national TV channels, compare them and determine the impact on a mass audience. Add to this that the problem of communication of the individual and the audience in a talk show poorly studied, especially the effect on the audience, which leaves behind the discussion. We therefore consider it appropriate a more in-depth study of this issue.

Practical significance. This work is a recommendation, analysis, identifying the characteristics of the flow of information in talk shows and its impact on the audience, and the perception that information providers information product. The study can be used by students and teachers of higher educational institutions. In particular, in the possibility it may become practitioners who work on TV.

Key words: talk shows, information, TV, effect.


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