The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Development of Political Communication
Research methodology. There are used the following methods in the research: analysis of scientific literature; the method of content analysis at the stage of clarification of the essence of the conceptual apparatus of the study; typological analysis – to identify similar and distinctive features in the research of political technologies, characteristics of election campaigns, etc.; the case study method was applied at the stage of studying the foreign experience of political technologies; the systematic method allowed to look at political communication in general.
Results. The article analyzes the effects of digital technologies on the development of political communication.
Novelty. The methods of political communication in the information society in the era of digital technologies are analyzed in the article. With the increasing role of information and communication technology in the modern world, political communication is not aside, and is constantly evolving, developing and improving because of that how effective it is depends the socio-economic growth and prosperity of each country. The paper highlighted the importance of informatization and computerization the sphere of politics and the creation of e-government, which will ensure greater inclusion of the public in the political life of the country, will make the authorities activity more transparent, will enhance citizens' confidence in political leaders and transform public administration in good governance.
The practical significance. For the effective communication between all branches of government in practice, it is necessary to study the theoretical foundations of political communication. The results of the study can be used by PR specialists in the state structures and election campaign strategists as well as can be used for further research in exploring the characteristics of political discourse, political communication and social and communication technologies.
Key words: political communication, political communication technology, Internet, digital technologies.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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