Professional Training of the Specialists of Informational, Library and Archival Affairs in the Context of Realization of Dual Education

S. Shulylak


The methodology of the research involves the application of theoretical methods of research: analysis (structural-logical, semantic, systematic and complex), systematization, comparison and collation of scientific views on the problem of professional training of specialists in information, library and archival affairs in the context of the implementation of dual education. The theoretical and informational basis for the study includes the following: legislative and normative base of Ukraine; scientific concepts and theoretical developments of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of dual education; informational materials of periodicals, reference books; Internet resources.

Results. The problem of modernization of higher education in Ukraine in the context of the implementation of dual education is researched, the experience of the Department of Information, Library and Archival Affairs of SS «Mykolaiv branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts» is presented with the introduction of the dual model of professional training of information, library and archives specialists, which is based on the principles of development and strengthening of the partnership of the university with libraries of the southern region of Ukraine. The dual model of organizing the educational process in this case is conceptual and basic. It is based on creating the optimal conditions for combining theoretical knowledge gained in the formal learning environment with practical skills acquired directly at the workplace.

Novelty. The dual model of professional training of information, library and archives specialists is presented on the example of the experience of the Department of Information, Library and Archival Affairs of SS «Mykolaiv branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts».

Practical significance. The theoretical provisions of the research are closely intertwined with practical ones, and may be important in the organization of vocational training, which involves a coherent interaction of theoretical and practical activities. The results of the research can be used in the educational process in institutes of higher learning and other educational institutions, which train professionals in the specialty «Informational, Library and Archival Affairs», as well as carry out their retraining, advanced training and provide continuous education for library assistants. Also, theoretical provisions of the study can be used in compiling methodological recommendations for improving the professional training of specialists in the specialty.

Key words: dual education, professional training, higher library education, Department of Information, Library and Archival Affairs, SS «Mykolaiv branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts», library, modernization.


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