Political Journalist in the New Еnvironment of Content
Research methodology. The methodological basis of the research is a combination of general scientific and special methods of studying the laws and features of the news and information, and political processes occurrence in social communications. The theoretical basis for the research on the issue of relations in the system «political journalist – the news content environment» is processing of the relevant findings of Ukrainian scientists in the field of social communications. While the development of the theoretical basis was done by applying the analytical-synthetic and logical methods, using the method of determining the segregation of media realities allowed to formulate the signs of common and distinctive features of the «news journalist» and «journalist-politician» concepts.
Results. Presentation of political processes by a journalist within the limits of the journalist’s personal perception of his own relations with politicians is characterized and stylized in the context of the mediatization phenomenon.
Novelty. The problem of the political forces and political structures representation in media as a problem of knowledge, authority and access to the public sphere is defined. The issue of real contacts and mutual services between journalists and politicians is examined as a factor of access to information flows, mutual evaluation and control, and as functions that both parties themselves designate as mutually beneficial in the field of political communication. Six models of such relationships are determined. Television is characterized as a key means of the politics and media coexistence. An epistemic characteristic is given to the standard mode of the journalism and politics coexistence.
Practical significance. The results of the studies, embodied in the text of this article, can be used during the scientific and methodological processing of materials of academic disciplines in the field of journalism.
Key words: audience, image, media, news, post-journalism.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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