Roman Rakhmannyi – Columnist (10-Annual Experience in Tourontic Ukrainian Catholic Newspaper «Nasha Meta»)
Research methodology. Methods of research – observation (systematic, journalistic, scientific) made it possible to obtain direct knowledge of the form of journalism – a column; methods of induction and deduction, analogies, comparison, commenting, comparing, contrasting, analyzing and synthesizing scientific information made it possible to supplement the data of simple observation over 10 years of experience in the author’s column; the method of classification allowed to find out the connections and patterns of development of the object under study – the author’s column of Roman Rahmannyi.
Results. A column is a specific genre of diffusion form. Among the genre-forming factors that make it possible to distinguish the column as a separate genre, we note: strong author’s «I», attention to form and aspiration for self-expression.
The colonistic experience of Roman Rakhmannyi is marked by the presence of verbalizers of subjectivity in an array of author’s tests, which is the manifestation of the author’s «I» in the text, representing the attitude to the subject of expression, an indicator of the transmission of the inner state, emotions, feelings, feelings and feelings of the columnist; linguistic competence and a clear unobtrusive position of the preacher intellectual; subjectivism in the columnarist Roman Rakhmannyi – a personally oriented model of reproduction of reality, views and positions of the author. Subjectivism of kolumnist is actualized on the content, lexical-phraseological, syntactic, morphological, word-formation and other levels of the text.
These components revitalized the perception of the author’s texts, instigated and visualized his linguistic structure, provided an exposition of emotionality and dynamism: facts from the history of the Church changed with a description of the current state of the church-religious issue of Ukrainians.
Prospects for further exploration. The colonial experience of Roman Rahmanyi, a well-known journalist and patriot, requires a pre-dyscalcational and synchronous reading, and the prospect of further inquiries may be an analysis of the lexical-phraseological level of the author’s texts.
Novelty. Within the article, for the first time, 10 years of experience in authoring the column of Roman Rakhmannyi, the journalist-theologian, the winner of the national prize named after them. T. G. Shevchenko as a powerful constructor of the presentation of the author’s «I», a way to convey the author’s thoughts in the Toronto Ukrainian Catholic newspaper «Nasha Meta».
The practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the work of literary editors, publicists and authors beginners.
Key words: author’s column, columnist, author «I», subject, function, method, content, form.
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