Rubric «Screen Of Workers» in the Newspaper «Cinema Week» (1927): Composition, Knowledge and Thematic Range Composition, Genre and Thematic Range
Research methodology. During the research, the method of problem-thematic analysis of information materials of the «Screen of Workers» section, the method of systematization, the method of identification, the descriptive method was used.
Results. The category «The Screen of Workers», which in the newspaper «Kino-week» has a fixed location (on the third page), contains subheadings: «Cooperation and cinema», «Kino in the countryside», «We are written», «Voice of the viewer», «Cinema» in the workers’ clubs», «Through the cinema mechanics, the cause of the clamor», «What we write», «Cinema-Chronicle», «Village Cinema-Chronicle», «Mailbox», «Mailbox», «Hoes and Obstacles», «Our Achievements», «Rob-sel-War Corps» on science films. No benefit from a science film without lecture, «Achievements and victories». The category «Screen of Workers» is characterized by compositional diversity regarding the location of journalistic texts, which, in our opinion, contributes to a better perception of information by the reader. In journalistic texts, located in subheadings, toponyms, anthroponyms, kryptonites are mostly highlighted in bold. In the subcategories, some journalistic texts are placed either under the headings or alongside bold labeled triangles to attract the reader’s attention and improve visual perception of the material. In the subtitle «Weights and Obstacles», «Our Achievements» non-standard design of the headings visually resembles ice. In the journalistic texts placed under the heading «Screen of Workers», the following topics are covered: village filming, its organizational and financial support, low quality of the cinema repertoire, the study of the needs of cinema-viewers, the shortage of children’s movies, poor-quality advertising, and the popularization of cinema. Under the heading «Screen of Workers» there are articles, journalistic texts with elements of a note, journalistic texts with elements of reportage, articles; journalistic texts with features of the article, reviews, reports; journalistic text with features of the article; an article with elements of inspection of letters, review of letters, a letter, a report.
Novelty. The compositional, genre and thematic aspects of the «Screen of Workers» column in the newspaper «Kino-week» (1927) were first analyzed.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by journalists to improve the genre system and art critics in order to reproduce a coherent picture of the development of Ukrainian cinema in the Soviet period.
Key words: heading, subclass, genre, composition, theme.
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