Sociocommunication Features of the Editorial and Publishing Process in Ukrainian Universities at the Present Days
Research Methodology. The research used methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization – to characterize the editorial and publishing process in Ukraine university publishing houses; comparative method – to identify the differences between the requirements of Ukraine and international standards.
Results. University publishing houses have always made a significant contribution to the education and development of young specialists, providing the organizational support in the educational, methodological and scientific activities of higher education institutions. Today, the editorial and publishing process undergoes significant changes under the influence of scientific and technical progress. In particular, it is referred to the spreading of e-books, customized printing, introduction of digital printing technologies and automated publishing systems, operational short-run printing, etc. All of this determines the need for the large-scale reorganization in modern book publishing in general and in university one in particular.
University publishing houses place active efforts to provide the educational process with necessary books on relevant education courses. They publish textbooks, study and methodology guides, collections of academic papers and monographs, reference literature on various branches of knowledge, containing results of researches of experienced specialists, postgraduates and students who just have begun their academic activities.
Today, there is a need to develop a scientific program for research of criteria for evaluation of university publishing houses, to create the system for sharing experiences in this field from Ukrainian and international academics, to organize discussions about criteria, initially among educators end publishers’ editors who have relevant specialization, and this determines the prospects of further researches.
Novelty. The article gives a general characteristics of editorial and publishing process in a modern university publishing house considering modern tendencies, conditioned by introduction of the newest technologies.
The practical significance. The research results can be used during the development of events of formation of publishing culture in a state and individuals level.
Key words: university publishing house, educational edition, scientific publication, editorial and publishing process.
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