Advertising as a Means of Forming and Displaying of the Socio-Cultural Space of the City

O. Yevtushenko, A. Litvinchuk


Research Methodology. The research uses the methods of analysis and synthesis to outline theoretical principles of work, classification and generalization to clarify the features of the advertising space of Sumy. The empirical study is based on the processing of 85 units of outdoor advertising during December 2017 – January 2018.

Results. Based on the analysis, it is determined that the most popular themes of commercial outdoor advertising in Sumy are advertising of services, goods for home and supermarkets or thematic-oriented shops. The most popular themes of social advertising are the advertising of state enterprises and image ads. It is noticed that roles of men and women in society are stereotyped. Еvery seventh billboard also contains such imperfection as information irrelevance, poor condition of advertising media, bad location, discrepancy of the basic color of the ads and the advertised goods, stereotyped stylistic solutions etc.

Local Sumy advertising uses outdated advertising techniques, which forms the image of the city as a non-original, typical one. In general, advertising appeals to rational motives, focuses on the values of stability, economy, weighted decisions and concreteness. Outdoor advertising in Sumy is rather the reflection of public sentiment, rather than a factor of active transformation, clarification and diversification of the city landscape, it cannot form the basis of the formation of a bright non-standard image of the city.

Novelty. On the example of the Sumy city the peculiarities of outdoor advertising influence on the formation of the socio-cultural image of the city are explored.

The practical significance. The results of the article can be used for the design of the image outdoor advertising of Sumy. They can also be useful for correcting the concept of placing outdoor advertising in the city.

Key words: socio-cultural space, city, advertising, coloring, billboards.


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