Political Parallelism: the Ukrainian Context
The study uses an empirical method which involves free finding of right material to study the origin and genesis of political parallelism as an integral characteristic of the media system. On the basis of the scientific facts obtained, the empirical dependence of the degree of political parallelism in society on the nature of the relationship between the media and political sectors has been established. The use of the comparative method provided an opportunity to analyze political parallelism in Ukraine using (comparing) relevant indicators in Western countries (democracies) and other models of social development. Contemporary Ukrainian media were investigated using the method of content analysis in order to determine the real level of political parallelism in the country.
The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the emergence and development of the concept of political parallelism as an important component of the media system’s characteristics. Based on empirical material, an attempt to analyze the various aspects of the interconnection of media and political forces of media systems both inside and outside the world is made. It was found that the political parallelism consists of a large number of components (media content, communication between parties and the media, readers’ affection for particular political views, etc.), which can be used to study the properties of various media systems. Historical forms of interconnection between the media and parties or political groups are also a marker of political parallelism. An important parameter, which is a sign of political parallelism, is the internal and external pluralism of the media, which respectively affect the high, medium or low degree of political parallelism. A notable assessment of the degree of political parallelism (according to scholars) is the developed system of public broadcasting and the existence of bodies that control commercial broadcasting.
The article attempts to analyze the level of political parallelism in the Ukrainian segment of media sources on the basis of a large set of theoretical materials. The conclusion about the importance of research in the contemporary Ukrainian context of media relations and politics is made. Analysis of the level of political parallelism in the Ukrainian media system allows to evaluate the media processes and media organizations in our country as being in the process of transforming a «non-Western» form of democracy.
The results of the study can be used in the scientific developments of researches of media systems and the concept of political parallelism, in the teaching of special courses for students of specialty «journalism».
Key words: media systems, political parallelism, mass media, Ukrainian media.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.1(41).2
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