Features of Perception of Radio Program on Literature and Art By Young People

P. Miroshnychenko


The article deals with the problem of peculiarities of perception of literary and artistic radio program, conditioned socio-psychological characteristics and values of youth as representatives of echo-generation Y. The purpose of the article is to determine the specific perception of the sound image of Pavlo Volvach’s radio program «Kruzhliannia Sliv» (First Channel of «Ukrainian Radio»). The article used the method of analysis and systematization of scientific and theoretical information on the topic of research. The method of focus group survey helped to identify the value orientations and information needs of the youth audience in the evaluation of the literary and artistic radio program, the motives that determine the attitude to its sound image, as well as the effectiveness of its influence on the cognitive processes of listeners, perception in general.

The study found that the literary radio program was perceived as a low-intensity audio text by the participants of the focus group without much enthusiasm, restrained. Respondents mostly expressed negative emotions. Attention was low, average material memorization was medium. Interest in the program was also mediocre. This was influenced by the discrepancy between the content and the form of the program with the values and life meanings of the respondents. Political conformism, distrust, indifference to social, cultural norms and traditions, preference for emotional individual satisfaction, enjoyment of life and low threshold of responsibility for one’s own actions and future – traits inherent in echo-generation Y. These traits manifest themselves in focus groups. Mostly indifferent attitude to the program was marked by both verbal and non-verbal means (postures, facial expressions, gestures). None of the respondents considered themselves to be the target audience of the program.

Key words: radio broadcasting, program, sound image, perception, focus group, echo-generation Y, generation Z.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.1(41).7


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