Formation of Readers’ Cognitive Activity by Means of Gamification in Children Magazines
There are summarized the scientific approaches to an interpretation of the definitions «gamification» and «playfication»; the lack of researches in modern theoretical discourse is emphasized; set of views on notions formulation is outlined; domestic and foreign scientific experience in the analyzed problem is studied in the article. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the differences between the concepts have been established, in particular, that gamification aims at serious and explicit goals, as opposed to playfication which may not have them and may not follow strict rules. The author also argues that the main difference between these concepts is that gamification has a stable feedback, unlike the playfication does not provide it. It is noticed that gamification in the general sense is the use of game practices and mechanisms in a non-game context in order to engage final users in solving the problem. At the same time, the game is a process detached from the current human activity, that has its own rules and a playing field beyond which it does not exist, but can certainly simulate these actions. The game is ultimate in its form, as it has a specific beginning and end, along with time limit. It does not involve solving certain tasks during the gameplay. While gamification uses only game elements and mechanics to introduce them into the ongoing process of human activity.
The author concludes that the formation of readers’ cognitive activity of children magazines by means of gamification is effective today because it creates a sense of competition that enhances children’s interest in reading magazines, and generally in the literature. Readers have a sense of excitement, and a curiosity for knowledge awakens. The gained results from the right answers give the children a sense of satisfaction, allow the game participants to raise their status and get some incentive to show persistence and creativity, and the competitive spirit gives its positive results. It is argued that game elements, like gamification itself, cannot be an alternative to the traditional presentation of information, but only an auxiliary element that must be used in limited quantity not to turn the desired process of cognitive activity into a game process.
Key words: gamification, playfication, game, game elements, cognitive activity, magazine, issue.
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