Professional Culture of Future Editors: Aspects, Principles, Model Formation

N. Mykolaienko


The article is devoted to the formation of the future editors' professional culture. The aspects of the professional culture are described in the article; basic functions of the professional culture of the editorial activity are marked.

Principles are offered for the development of the model of forming the future editors' professional culture. The question is considered of the positive result concerning the future editors' culture formation. It is noticed that the future editors' professional culture foresees the presence of the modern thought: independently to analyze the phenomena and processes, see main and special, give up stamps and inertia in reasoning’s. Under such circumstances, forming the future editors' professional culture can be described as following: at first, as mastering of the personality's professional knowledge and skills, when they are organically combined with the knowledge of the social and cultural situation and make the editor's world view; secondly, as the capacity of a personality for the creative thought and permanent self-perfection, self-education; thirdly, the presence of such qualities, as intelligentsia, spiritual culture, patriotism, generalism. Forming the future editors' professional culture is a task system which foresees the development of the personal qualities account of all professional tasks and requirements and their realization through forms and methods. Therefore the future editors' professional culture can not be simplified to the system of the special, narrow specified knowledge, abilities and skills. It is a wider concept and has the editor's spiritual potential, intellectual, emotional and practically effective components of his / her consciousness.

Key words: professional culture, future editor, aspect, principles, self-improvement, formation of professional culture.


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