Newest Media Industry Technologies: Opportunities and Features of Using in Ukraine
In the article covered the features of implementing and using additional Internet functionality in the information space: in particular, audience analysis services, content research, fact-checking in real-time, automatic news generation, bots and mobile apps that are rapidly gaining popularity in modern journalism.
Defined, some mobile apps: The Dragon Diction (speechy), Cogi, Imovie, Snapseed, Camscanner, Canva, Sweet Text: Story Maker & GIF can help detect dictation and save it in text format; make notes, add some images, select certain parts; compose multiple videos, add audio effects and titles; edit images, backgrounds, colours, shades; scan documents and savе them in the required format; create any infographic, text and publication in different formats; make animated text stories accordingly.
The essence and purpose of IT capabilities such as virtual reality (enhancing user interest, stimulating brain activity while browsing content, etc.) and augmented reality (enhancing the effect of information through additional materials, graphics and visualisation) are detailed. It is emphasised that the introduction of the cyber tools in the media is due to the need to meet market trends, competition at local and global levels, the need to clarify data, the demanding potential audience.
Monitoring of using the latest IT in the Ukrainian media industry has revealed the presence its in the TV programs: «Siogodni», «Siogodni. Pidsymku z Olegom Panyutoyu» (TV channel «Ukrayina»), «TSN» («1+1»), programs of TV-channel «NASH», multimedia project «Ukrainer», magazine «Marie Claire», which confirmed the popularity of new formats for creating and implementing information product in Ukraine.
Key words: visualisation, virtual reality, augmented reality, Internet functionality, cyber tools, media product, fact-checking.
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