Chronicles of Affirmation of the Image of Ukrainians in the North American Multicultural Media Space (1930 – beginning of 1931)
The methodological basis of the conducted research is based on the use of methods of monitoring and analysis of documents; generalization by the method of qualitative and quantitative study of primary and secondary information. Selection for the analysis of archival periodicals was made on the chronological principle of 1930 – early 1931. At the first stage, a qualitative analysis was carried out, which further deepened the logical studies of the content of radio programs, tracking the transformation processes in radio broadcasting caused by the evolution of ideas about financing such initiatives, access to local ones, local genres. design, etc.
The basic prerequisites for the creation of the first periodic Ukrainian clock in the multicultural radio space of the USA are outlined. The public discussion in the industry, the state of the development of the technical support of the radio signal reception, the conditions of its access and the quality of listening are analyzed. The content of such initiatives, their content, timing, musical and genre design are described. The importance of community unity and the development of a common constructive position on addressing important public issues were emphasized, in particular with regard to the organizational and financial provision of national music radio hours. It was found that despite the complexity of the organizational nature of the community of Ukrainians were able to present to the world, and most importantly to realize the need to design national presentation media sites that would position them favorably among other peoples.
The retrospective of the formation of foreign Ukrainian media space in the context of the radio production process of the early twentieth century was first documented.
The wide potential of using the results of the research is not limited to scientific discourse, but is an important documentary evidence of the high organization and development of the Ukrainian community in the world and the ramifications of its media structure.
Key words: archival periodicals, multicultural media space, Ukrainian language broadcasting.
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