he Reform of Local Self-Government and Decentralization of Power in Regional Media Discourse
In Ukraine, the fifth year of local self-government reform and decentralization of power is ending. Operational and professional coverage of information about the tasks, ways of realization and results of reform activity, achievements of the community is imposed first of all on the media. A special role is assigned to regional media, which is more trusted by citizens and is more objective in reporting on quality change at the local level.
The aim of the research is to coverage the link between the stages of local self-government reform and decentralization of power, and the number of publications in regional media.
The chronological framework of the research (January, 2017 – December, 2017 and September, 2018 – August, 2019) corresponds to the most active stages of reform implementation. In total, 793 publications were analyzed in the four most popular on-line publications of the four regions, that is oblast (Vinnytsia oblast – «Vinnytsia. info», Mykolaiv oblast – «NikVesti», Ternopil oblast – «20 Khvylyn», Kharkiv oblast – «Spravzhnia Varta»).
The research showed that the number of publications on local self-government reform in the analyzed media in 2018–2019 is mostly higher than in 2017, since the implementation of local self-government reform and decentralization of power gained momentum: «Vinnytsia. info» in 2017 – 90, in 2018–2019 – 143, increased by a factor of 1.6; «NikVesti» in 2017 – 31, in 2018–2019 – 76, increased by a factor of 2.5; «20 Khvylyn» in 2017 – 67, in 2018–2019 – 124, increased by a factor of 1.9; «Spravzhnia Varta» in 2017 – 146, in 2018–2019 – 121, increased by a factor of 0.83.
The number of materials is increasing not linearly, but at certain time intervals, which is related to the implementation of the reform in the specific geographic area and the stages of the reform (October-December, 2017; October-December, 2018; March and August,2019).
The geographical location of the region (oblast) did not affect the average number of publications (the exception is Mykolaiv oblast publication – «NikVesti»).
Key words: regional media, media discourse, local self-government reform, decentralization of power, on-line publication.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.2(42).9
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